Identifying Your Leader Language - What Is Your Style?

What Kind of Leader Are You?

When we talk about types of leaders, it’s tempting to group them into one of two categories: good or bad. Each one of us can give examples of each, from former supervisors who inspired us to do our best work to managers who were critical enough to make us want to quit.

While each of us can categorize an individual’s style of management into ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ there are traits in each individual’s personality that create a specific leadership style.

Many people in positions of leadership may have a title, but lack the understanding of what skill set is required to effectively inspire and lead their team. That’s why I decided to put together this Facebook class, Identifying Your Leader Language, with the hope that I can help people understand where they’re starting from so that they can improve for the better.

A good leader is always evolving and striving to improve - take the first step by signing up for my class on Monday, May 24th at 12:15 pm EDT!

Why Does Leadership Style Matter?

Understanding more about the way you lead others will give you a better perception of the scope of your reach and the impact that your efforts are having on those you lead. Figuring out your leadership style also gives you an insight into your values, natural strengths, and beliefs about the world around you. This type of understanding will help you align better with your personal goals as well as the vision, mission, and goals of the company or organization you work for.

In other words, to have an impact on your team, organization, and community, you have to be an effective leader. In order to be effective, you have to have a good understanding of where you’re starting and where you want to go.

Together, we’ll explore some of the most common leadership styles and pinpoint which categories you align with. From there, you’ll have the tools you need to start creating a plan for improvement.

Hosted by:

A Teague of Your Own

Complete This Sentence:

“A good leader is…”

The way you complete that sentence says a lot about who you are as a leader. During our time together, we’ll be exploring what traits a good leader has and what issues commonly stand in the way of someone who is striving to become a better leader.

Different work environments demand different styles of leadership, and great leaders typically combine and balance characteristics of many leadership types to manage their teams effectively. By taking the time to familiarize yourself with each primary model of leadership style, you’ll start recognizing the areas within yourself to improve or expand upon and can also identify other ways to lead that might serve you and your goals better in different types of situations.

Even if you’re not managing a team on a daily basis, you’ll still have to step into a leadership role from time to time - whether you’re caring for a child, leading a project, or hosting a meeting.

There are no prerequisites for leadership, and anyone can be a leader - which is why everyone can benefit from this class!

I Can’t Wait to Get Started on Monday, May 24th at 12:15 pm EDT!